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Site Based Decision Making
What is SBDM?
Site Based Decision Making
It is a committee of school administrators, teachers, community leaders and parents dedicated to improving the academic achievement and quality of education received by all students at Nathan Adams.
What has the SBDM provided for Nathan Adams?
· Title 1 budget review, discussion and brainstorm of use of funds and how and where to spend the $$$. Schools qualify for federal Title I funding based on the percentage of low-income students attending that school. In order for a school to qualify for Title I funding, the school must have 35% of its students receiving free or reduced lunches.
· Determine preferred programs (e.g. art/music) to choose.
· Assess interests in after school clubs and enrichment.
· Measure overall satisfaction with school and classroom environment and academics.
· Addressed safety concerns of pick-up/drop-off appealing to city for additional no parking signs and crosswalk guard.
· Parent survey – Look at school issues, feedback from parents and put an action plan together.
· School field improvements and use.
· Implemented fee based after school clubs program that included math, science, art and Spanish.
· Took on grant writing to supplement additional programs not offered by the district.
· Secured grants to replace computers in lab and various art enrichment programs.
· Petitioned district to allow campus to be a uniform school. Required surveying parents to meet interest threshold required by district. Developed and implemented two years ahead of district requiring all elementary schools wear uniforms.
What do I have to do?
Commit to attend four meetings (October, December, March and April) from 4pm- 5:30pm in the school library.
Do I need any special qualifications to join?
No, only an interest in being a part of improving Nathan Adams Elementary.
Is there any money involved to join?
No, we are not a fund raising committee. We support the school in administrative and budgetary decisions only.
When can I join?
We are taking names today for next school year.