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Guidance Program

Counseling and Guidance Program

The guidance and counseling program at Nathan Adams Elementary follows the Texas Education Agency, National and State guidelines. It is an integral part of the total educational program. It provides a planned, preventative, developmental and systematic approach to helping all students academically, socially, and emotionally to reach their highest potential in the school setting. The program is designed to reach all students at Nathan Adams, and at the same time provide special assistance to those who need it.

Program Structure:

  • Guidance Curriculum- Monthly classroom guidance lessons.
  • Responsive Services- Individual and group counseling, consultation, crisis management, community liaison
  • Individual Planning- goal setting, career knowledge, transition counseling
  • System Support- Testing, Campus Improvement Plan, community outreach, public relations, parent support and education, team meetings, leadership teams.

Guidance Curriculum:

Academic Success - Career Awareness - Personal / Social Development All students in the school see the counselor, Ms. Belniak, monthly with their homeroom for guidance class. The purpose of guidance class is to help all students develop basic life skills. Topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Self-confidence development
  • Motivation to Achieve
  • Decision-making, Goal-setting, Planning, and Problem-solving
  • Interpersonal Effectiveness
  • Cross-cultural Effectiveness
  • Responsible Behavior
  • Career information